Neil retired from the military just before the turn of the millennia, having completed twelve years of service. His adventurous nature, having not been sated, led him into the security industry, where he took a close protection role, working for a Saudi Arabian Prince.
By 2002 he was in Beirut, where he began assimilating notes and ideas he had for a novel. The story was based on a training protocol he had designed during his SCSR days. It was referred to as Nexus and was intended to realistically simulate covert operations.

Nexus was successfully trialled on several occasions in both military and civilian environments, however was considered too subversive for actual use. The simulations proved to be so realistic, the line between fact and fiction became blurred. The ability of the scenario writer to adversely control participants without their knowledge was deemed precarious.
Left with no practical use for his programme Neil decided to write a novel about a fictional Nexus adventure, based on the trials undertaken. The result was, The Raiders Part 1, published in 2007. The limited edition print run of 500 copies, were sold during the remainder of the year. A former colleague commented, “The Raider’s wasn’t so much a novel, more of a diary”.
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