Neil Devine first appeared in print when he featured on the front cover of the RAF Association’s quarterly magazine, Air Mail, pictured aboard his Buccaneer S2B Aircraft. The photograph was taken just after landing, whilst the squadron prepared for the Queen’s birthday flypast in the summer of 1993.

Having graduated University with a BA in Architecture, he joined the Royal Air Force preferring the rear seat of a fighter jet to being sat behind a drawing board. 'Both disciplines require the ability to solve complex three dimensional problems', he replied, when asked about the unusual career switch. The move from building design to high speed navigation turned out to be the first but not the last, shift in direction.

By 1994 world politics had taken several dramatic twists, The Cold War and The Gulf War were over. The threat to our nation was no longer Rogue States or The Soviet Superpower, it had become insurgents and terrorist. The role of long-range strike attack fighter jets had dwindled. Less than one year after the Air Mail cover, Neil was back on the front page, this time it was Air Clues, the RAF magazine, saying farewell to the mighty Buccaneer.
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