
One small twist, the mirrors realign and your perception of reality shifts.

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We provide stories. That is what we do.

Some people forget the reason they live. Life for them appears empty. Something has been lost. They search for escapism and adventure. They ski glaciers, climb mountains and drive fast cars, some have affairs and other gamble. For most, these activities generate the missing adrenaline.
But there are a few who want more.

Experiences define us. That’s what we provide. Unique adventures which belong to the recipient. Works of performing art, up on which you can dine out for years. Exceptional memories, a treasure unlike any other. It can’t be broken, stolen, taken away or tainted, it even accompanies you to the grave.

Nexus is an adventure game written for a specific client. A client who can afford us. A client who excites us but not necessarily a client who comes looking for us.

Fiona had been married almost twelve years to David Coleman, a wealthy American banker. They had a bright, adorable young son, a large town house in Chelsea and the cream of London’s social class to call friends. David was dedicated, handsome and faithful, they both cared for each other and were perhaps, still in love. Most women would have sold their soul to switch places with Fiona Coleman, but she was restless. A storm brewed deep within, bringing her face to face with the sickness she feared most, boredom.

She was the perfect client. We delivered the perfect adventure. She glimpsed her perfect life. But it was all simply coloured tiles and mirrors. One twist of the wrist and they tumbled, shifting the paradigm, revealing an alternate reality.

We provide stories. The Kaleidoscope is ours.
Neil Devine first appeared in print when he featured on the front cover of the RAF Association’s quarterly magazine, Air Mail, pictured aboard his Buccaneer S2B Aircraft. The photograph was taken just after landing, whilst the squadron prepared for the Queen’s birthday flypast in the summer of 1993.

Having graduated University with a BA in Architecture, he joined the Royal Air Force preferring the rear seat of a fighter jet to being sat behind a drawing board. 'Both disciplines require the ability to solve complex three dimensional problems', he replied, when asked about the unusual career switch. The move from building design to high speed navigation turned out to be the first but not the last, shift in direction.

By 1994 world politics had taken several dramatic twists, The Cold War and The Gulf War were over. The threat to our nation was no longer Rogue States or The Soviet Superpower, it had become insurgents and terrorist. The role of long-range strike attack fighter jets had dwindled. Less than one year after the Air Mail cover, Neil was back on the front page, this time it was Air Clues, the RAF magazine, saying farewell to the mighty Buccaneer.
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The retirement of the aircraft brought an opportunity for our perpetual adventurer to switch paths for a second time. He bid farewell to the cockpit, grabbed a radio and some camouflage paint and launched himself into the specialist world of combat survival. The ability to survive, isolated behind enemy lines whilst facilitating a recovery back to your own side.

The move gave rise to his first published writings. A two page piece on CSAR (Combat Search and Rescue) printed in the RAF Magazine, available for all to read. (Note the obvious but not all that common mis-spelling of his name.)

He also wrote the NATO SOP’s (Standard Operating Procedures) for combat survival and recovery operations. This document however, had a more limited readership.

Combat Search and rescue (CSAR) image
In his role as Chief Instructor at the RAF School of Combat Survival and Rescue (SCSR), Neil featured in an article that appeared in the Cornish Guardian in the late nineties, offering a glimpse into the secretive world of their special operations.
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Neil retired from the military just before the turn of the millennia, having completed twelve years of service. His adventurous nature, having not been sated, led him into the security industry, where he took a close protection role, working for a Saudi Arabian Prince.
By 2002 he was in Beirut, where he began assimilating notes and ideas he had for a novel. The story was based on a training protocol he had designed during his SCSR days. It was referred to as Nexus and was intended to realistically simulate covert operations.

Nexus was successfully trialled on several occasions in both military and civilian environments, however was considered too subversive for actual use. The simulations proved to be so realistic, the line between fact and fiction became blurred. The ability of the scenario writer to adversely control participants without their knowledge was deemed precarious.
Left with no practical use for his programme Neil decided to write a novel about a fictional Nexus adventure, based on the trials undertaken. The result was, The Raiders Part 1, published in 2007. The limited edition print run of 500 copies, were sold during the remainder of the year. A former colleague commented, “The Raider’s wasn’t so much a novel, more of a diary”.
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Integrity matters image
Neil however never finished Part 2. His novel writing became side tracked when he was asked by the Chartered Institute of Securities and Investments (CISI) to develop his Nexus idea into an online system for their clients to participate in realistic scenario based ethical dilemmas. This system is still in use today as their Integrity Matters programme.
The call for change soon outweighed the suburban malaise he’d fallen into during the previous few years. In 2010 Neil once again switched tack. His love of exploration and adventure drew him towards the sea. As an aviator he was used to navigating at 500 Knots, slowing down to 5 knots aboard a sailing yacht proved both welcoming and relaxing. He became a professional yachtsman and moved to the Caribbean, living in both, The British Virgin Islands and Curacao. The slower speeds gave him far more time to think, enjoy life and concentrate on his writing. He produced Sailing Check Lists for a publisher in Holland.

The Nexus idea however, always remained front and centre when it came to creative work. His attention soon turned towards a complete rewrite of The Raiders, combining both Part 1 and the notes for Part 2. Eventually it morphed into Kaleidoscope.
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The Nexus Novels imageThe Nexus Novels imageThe Nexus Novels image
In those sailing years Neil also wrote three other Nexus adventures.

The Perfect Crime.

The Dividing Line.

The Space Between. 

The Perfect Crime

A Police Detective receives an email detailing the exact nature of a crime about to be committed, including the time and the place but even with this knowledge can he do anything about it?

The Dividing Line

A small group of London executives on a team building weekend get dragged into a dilemma. A photographer is found dead after taking a picture no one should ever see. The film must be destroyed. But how do you confirm the film you’ve located is the real one, without revealing the picture no one should ever see?

The Space Between

You have only thirty minutes to live. There is no chance of reprieve. You’re in a light aircraft over the sea, miles from land with no radio and half an hours fuel. In that short moment between life and death only truth matters.

Tropical Traveller

Neil was asked to write a feature for the magazine Tropical Traveller.

John Wayne Book

As a gift for his father’s 80th birthday, he wrote a book about John Wayne. The story of the Western 1930 -1939. A 240 page picture ladened essay on Big John’s 40 plus B-Movies.

Neil Devine

In 2018, he left the Caribbean moving back to Europe. He now lives with his wife in France. Today, in between sailing adventures, and trying to improve his French Neil is working on a new novel interestingly titled, The Priest and the Squirrel Girl (A Strange Tale of Revenge).